Saturday, December 26, 2015

How to know your opponents weak shots

I can hear the question, and as important as it is to know the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents, you need to know what to look for and how to look for it in order to see it. Once you know how to locate the weak strokes, you will start to see things that you as a tennis player have never seen before.

It is called congnitive recognition.

Watching your opponents body language is the single most important factor when learning which strokes are their strongest and weakest. Our brains have the ability to make instantaneous calculations while watching our opponents execute strokes. In the same way that we can within split seconds determine whether a persons face is balanced and has their facial features in propotion to each other, so we are able to determine our opponents stroke effeciencies and balace through the stroke in less than seconds.

Here are a few important actions and comments from an opponents body language to look for:

Step into the ball
Full swing
Racquet head speed

What other actions can you think of that can give you a heads up to your opponents stronger or weaker strokes?

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